ISWC is a major international forum where visionary and state-of-the-art research of all aspects of the Semantic Web are presented.
ISWC News-Weblog
September 24, 2008
Our Program Book has been finished and can been downloaded here. In it you can find the schedule, information on accepted papers and keynotes as well as other useful information. It will also be distributed in the conference bag.
September 21, 2008
Update: Due to very limited interest, no guided tours will specifically be organised for ISWC.

View at Heidelberg
In order to make your stay in Karlsruhe an exciting experience not just in a professional sense, ISWC 2008 offers a selection of guided tours in and around Karlsruhe. Enjoy organised trips to famous places such as Heidelberg or Strasbourg, and learn more about historic Karlsruhe. Tours will only take place if a sufficient number of participants pre-registers, and places and limited – so have a look at the ISWC guided tours programme now to make your ISWC experience even more memorable!
September 19, 2008
There seems to have been a misunderstanding about the registration deadline, since not all people have read the former post. Note that the registration deadline was never extended to 19th; it was just a fix to enable early registration on 18th. I have set the deadline back to 18th for today, to avoid further confusion. Those registered on 18th should wait until 20th to pay, since only then will I be able to set the deadline back to 19th in the system to restore proper treatment of registrations done on 18th.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
September 18, 2008
It seems our system had a problem with the switch from early to late registration. The easiest solution was me setting the deadlines in the system to the 19.09. For those who encountered problems in the last 4 hours, this should fix your problem. Note however, that the early registration deadline has not been extended. It will still be possible to register early today, 18.09 until 23:59 CEST. For technical reasons, the registration page says otherwise (19.09), but this was the fastest fix.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Please note that 23:59 CEST equals to 2:59 p.m. PDT, for those registering from America. PDT is basically PST but during summer (Pacific Daylight Time), same goes for CEST and CET.
September 15, 2008
In case you want to save money on your ISWC registration, be reminded that the early registration deadline is approaching quickly (September 18th). For details please click here.
September 15, 2008
Due to many requests, we have put information on the current state of the program online.
For information on Workshops, please see here.
For information on Tutorials, please see here.
For information on the main conference, please see here.
Please note that room assignment is not final yet and therefore not included. We will update the information on the website as it becomes available.
September 6, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 14:00
This year, ISWC will include a session of “Lightning Talks”. The session provides an opportunity for participants to present ideas, comments, calls for collaboration, scathing polemic criticisms,… controversy and discussion are positively encouraged!! We would particularly welcome observations or comments arising from material presented during the conference.
Talks should last no longer than 2 minutes and can include 1 PDF slide. There is no review process — if you are interested in presenting a lightning talk, please send email to lightning talks with your name, affiliation and a one sentence description of your talk. You have until 12:00 on October 30 to register your interest.
September 4, 2008
As you can see in the sidebar on the right, we have updates our information on the invited speakers and keynotes. Please click on the pictures of the speakers for title, abstract and a short biography.
September 4, 2008
You can find the list of accepted papers here.